Monzonite is an intermediate plutonic igneous rock containing almost equal proportions of alkali feldspar and sodic plagioclase and minor amounts of quartz or feldspathoids. Its name derives from the Monzoni range in the Fassa Valley (Dolomites, Northern Italy), where this rock is widely exposed. The monzonite field is located exactly in the center of the QAPF diagram and it is defined by plagioclase (or alkali feldspar) content over feldspars between 35 and 65%. Quartz normally represent between 0 and 20% of the felsic minerals, a much lower content than in granites. Monzonites may also lack quartz completely and rather contain up to 10% of feldspathoids over the felsic minerals. The presence of quartz (Q) or feldspathoids (F) allows to distinguish three varieties of monzonites: quartz monzonite (Q = 5 – 20%), monzonite (Q = 0 – 5%), and foid-bearing monzonite (F = 0 – 10%), in which the term ‘foid’ can be substituted with the most abundant feldspathoid present (e.g. leucite-bearing monzonite). Monzonites are characterized by a relatively high content of mafic minerals, normally in the range of 15 and 45% of the rock volume, which typically consist of hornblende, biotite, or pyroxene. The extrusive counterparts of monzonites are latites and trachyandesites.
Monzonites are relatively uncommon rock types that occur as marginal bodies associated with more acid (granites and granodiorites) and mafic (gabbros) intrusions. In some cases, they host skarns and porphyry copper deposits. Monzonites were also found on the Moon by the Apollo missions.
Larvikite is a variety of monzonite or augite syenites containing ternary feldspars (i.e. feldspars with significant proportions of the K-, Na-, and Ca- end members), dark amphibole, titanian augite, and lepidomelane, associated with minor quartz or nepheline and Fe-olivine. The name derives from the Larvik intrusive complex (Oslo Igneous Province, Norway).

Plutonic igneous rock
Felsic minerals:
• alkali feldspar
• plagioclase
• quartz
• feldspathoids
Mafic minerals:
• hornblende
• biotite
• pyroxene
QAPF classification:
Q = 0 – 20% or F < 10%
Plagioclase/feldspars = 35 – 65%
Colored varieties:
• leucomonzonite (M < 15%)
• melamonzonite (M > 45%)
Other varieties: quartz monzonite, foid-bearing monzonite, larvikite
Extrusive equivalent: latite, trachyandesite

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